Thursday, August 1, 2019

St. Jude Pre-K and Kindergarten Orientation

What an exciting morning!  Students beginning Pre-K and Kindergarten at St. Jude and their parents had orientation this morning at 9:30 A.M.  A newcomers coffee was in the cafeteria at 10:30am after orientaiton.  You saw your classroom, sat in your seat, found your backpack hook, and stayed in the classroom while Mommy and Daddy went to a meeting with Mrs. Driesse.  
When you first walked into the classroom, you were nervous seeing all of the parents and the such a crowd of people.  Mrs. Driesse was so welcoming and put you at ease right away.  You got a little upset again when we left to go to meeting, but you calmed down very quickly.
I can't believe my baby girl is starting Pre-K 4.  You will be one of the youngest in the class, but you are ready.  Daddy and I are excited to see how much you will learn and grow this year.  We hope these years move slowly!

We had donut holes and cookies after orientation, then Mommy brought you to Chic-fi-la for a special lunch.  I love these special times one on one with you sweet girl. I love you!

Catherine and Jacob!

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