Saturday, August 17, 2019

Day Trip to New Orleans

We had a fun day in New Orleans today!  Daddy and I took the three of you to the Aquarium.  We hadn't been there since Catherine's second birthday.  Catherine did NOT like it then, and Caroline and Joseph were only 9 months old!  We weren't sure if you would like it this time around, but you did (for the most part!).  Catherine liked the penguins, Joseph liked the owl and the white alligator, and Caroline liked the "fish".  After the aquarium, we ate lunch at Drago's, walked the Riverwalk and got a free sample from the Fudge Factory, ate beignets at Café du Monde, and went to MiMi's store at Clearview for some shopping.  It was a fun family day!

One of the things I'll remember about today was Joseph taking "pictures" of everything he saw.  He was very serious about his pictures. He would get out of his stroller, snap some pictures, then climb back into his stroller.  I love you Buddy!

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