Thursday, August 1, 2019

August Pictures

Helping Mommy make banana bread with chocolate chips!

Catherine and Joseph worked together to put together puzzles this morning!

Joseph completed this 24-piece puzzle all by himself!

Last swim of the summer with our cousins!

Thank you for the flowers Julia!  

Fun in the carpool line!

Daddy took you next door to Tari's to a construction site while Catherine was at dance lessons.  (Mommy and Caroline were inside watching Catherine.)

Catherine made these three envelopes for Jacob Schmeeckle.  She said she filled them with kisses and wanted to mail them to him.  The blue dots are stamps. ;)

Look closely!  I spy Catherine in the upper right-hand picture with her Pre-K class in church.

Waiting to pick up Catherine in carpool

Ring Around the Rosie with Teita

Catherine decorated this Teddy Bear headband at school today.  Since we are leaving tomorrow to go to Orange Beach, she will be missing Teddy Bear Friday with her class.  Everyone gets to bring a teddy bear to school and will be able to walk around campus and show his/her teddy bear around.  

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